2nd ICAI 2022

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2022

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

infotainment system (energy consumption distribution, ambient temperature), and also data reading from its OBD diagnostic plug (especially energy taken from the traction battery and put into the battery, total energy consumption). As a reference vehicle, were used the 2020 Hyundai Kona Electric with a 64 kWh traction battery and maximum motor power of 150 kW. The vehicle is equipped with a heat pump. About 3 200km was driven with the vehicle during the summer and 2 500 km during the winter season. The operation ranges specified in the tables of this paper represent range estimates calculated from the average energy consumption and battery capacity usage specified in Table 5. 2.1 BEV Consumption on highways The data come from 8 trips driven on a selected 78 km section of the D11 highway. The maximum altitude profile difference is 79m, although the start and destination points were always the same. The goal was to drive on the highway at the maximum allowed speed (130 kph); the lower resulting average speed is primarily due to including the time it took start and stop the measurement recording before beginning the trip and after finishing it, entering the highway, as well as the traffic on the highway. In addition to speed, the high-power consumption of the BEV here is also affected by a low percentage of recuperated energy. This is caused by only a minimal necessity to brake in the highway traffic. Table 1: BEV Consumption on highways (Average from all Test Trips) Summer operation Winter operation Total BEV consumption [kWh/100 km] 20.25 21.7 Theoretical BEV range [km] 317.5 295.1 Average BEV driving speed [kph] 110.0 114.5 Ambient temperature [°C] 29.9 2.5 HVAC settings [°C] 22.0 22.0

Partial BEV consumption values Traction consumption 12 V system consumption Traction battery management consumption HVAC consumption

[kWh/100 km] [%] [kWh/100 km] [%]

19.18 0.56 0.40 0.10




2.8 2.0 0.5

0.87 0.43 0.00

4.0 2.0 0.0

Source: Research data


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