2nd ICAI 2022

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2022

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

The higher energy consumption in winter is due to the higher energy demands for heating of the passenger space compared to the cooling (the difference between exterior and interior temperature is higher in the winter than summer), as well as various resistances affecting the vehicle (denser air, more frequent rain or snow, snow-covered road) and the factor of lesser usability of recuperation. Additionally, the comparison of multiple BEV types shows that even the vehicle with the smallest traction battery in the study (Ioniq Electric 28 kWh) is capable of driving over 170 km in urban conditions and can therefore easily serve the purpose of basic personal transportation in our conditions. The energy demands of BEVs were also compared to those of ICEs. The comparison has clearly confirmed the presumptions of the energy advantages of electromobility and the disadvantageous efficiency of internal combustion engines. BEV consume 3x to 6x less energy than ICE, depending on the route type. ICEs are the least efficient in urban traffic, for which BEVs are very suitable thanks to low average speed and utilization of recuperation. In the charging section, it is worth pointing out the high efficiency of the onboard charger during the AC charging of the BEV, which exceeds 90% (which also matches the observation of Albatayneh, 2020) while the vehicle is capable of use practically all of the available charging power. On the other hand, the DC charging tests have shown that contemporary BEVs are not fully capable of utilizing the maximum recharging power throughout the charging cycle, the charging speed is very dependent on the battery temperature and the DC charging efficiency can be significantly lower. Acknowledgements The authors would like to express their gratitude to the University of Pardubice for providing the means necessary to make the test drives possible and to the Hyundai Motor Czech s.r.o. for lending the Hyundai Kona, as well as all of the owners of electrical vehicles involved in the testing. Disclosure statement: No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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