3rd ICAI 2024

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2024

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

Table 3: SMART Training Principles within Automotive Brands

Application of SMART Concept Toyota’s training programs incorporate SMART goals and principles, focusing on specific, measurable objectives for


Case Overview


By implementing SMART training goals, Toyota has empowered its workforce to acquire new skills and enhance productivity. Toyota’s T-TEP (Toyota Technical Education Program) provides technical training for technicians to meet the evolving demands of automotive technology. Through its SMART leadership development approach, GM has developed a pipeline of capable leaders who are equipped to navigate the complexities of the automotive industry. By aligning its training objectives with SMART principles, Hyundai has produced highly skilled technicians who are equipped to service and maintain Hyundai vehicles to the highest standards, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Through its SMART training approach, BMW has empowered its workforce to adapt to technological advancements, embrace change, and drive continuous improvement in manufacturing processes.

Toyota is renowned for its commitment to employee development and continuous improvement through training initiatives.


skills development and performance improvement.

GM’s leadership development initiatives utilize SMART goal setting techniques to establish clear objectives for career advancement, skill enhancement, and performance management. HTTA’s curriculum is designed with SMART learning objectives, ensuring that trainees acquire specific, measurable skills and competencies related to automotive diagnostics, repair, and maintenance. The Skills for Tomorrow program employs SMART training methodologies to set clear, achievable goals for employee development, focusing on areas such as digitalization, sustainability, and innovation.

General Motors (GM) has invested in leadership development programs to cultivate talent and drive innovation within the organization.

General Motors

Hyundai Hyundai established the Hyundai Technician

Training Academy (HTTA) to address the growing demand for skilled automotive technicians.

BMW launched the Skills for Tomorrow program to upskill its workforce and prepare employees for the future of automotive manufacturing.


Source: Author owns elaboration


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