3rd ICAI 2024

The conference is organised by: Škoda Auto University

Conference Partners

Proceedings of the 3 rd International Conference on Automotive Industry 2024 Publisher: Škoda Auto University Na Karmeli 1457, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic Editor: prof. Ing. Stanislav Šaroch, Ph.D. Technical Editors: Ing. Věra Herčuthová RNDr. František Rozkot, CSc. Cover Design: RNDr. František Rozkot, CSc.


978-80-7654-080-4 (Print) 978-80-7654-079-8 (Online)


2695-0073 (Print) 2695-0081 (Online)

Available online at: https://cld.bz/ifiKiRe Copyright © 2024 by Škoda Auto University Copyright © 2024 by authors of the papers

Papers are sorted by author’s names in alphabetical order. All papers passed a peer review process. The authors of the individual papers are responsible for their content and linguistic correctness.

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