3rd ICAI 2024

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2024

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

the inaccuracy of the measurement is characterized by the standard uncertainty u(x) and the total (extended) uncertainty U(x). On the initiative of the International Bureau of Measures, several international organizations (m.in. International Organization for Standardization – ISO, International Electrotechnical Commission – IEC, International Organization for Legal Metrology – OIML) have developed a guide “Guide to the Expression of Uncertenity in Measurement” [6], which provides a method for expressing and calculating measures of measurement inaccuracy. According to this method, systematic and random errors are treated equally as random variables. 2. MSA measurement systems analysis The measurement system involves variability that affects the results. The main purpose of the measurement system analysis (mainly the methods used in the so called Measurement System Analysis [1]) is to obtain detailed information about the variability in relation to the production process in which the measurement is obtained. In industrial practice, system analysis is carried out using statistical methods. Comparing the variability of the measurement system and the variability of the production process is an important and necessary analysis, as the main task of MSA is to assess the usefulness of measurement systems and measurement procedures in relation to a specific production process [4]. In product quality control systems for measurable values, diagnosis and evaluation of the product is made on the basis of measurement results. Important in this type of case is the selection of the measured feature of the product. This feature should be selected not only from the point of view of the customer’s requirements, but also should allow monitoring of all kinds of variability and deviations of the production process. Often, on the basis of the measurement procedures carried out, the obtained results are used to monitor and regulate the manufacturing process. In industrial practice, testing the properties of products is limited to random tests carried out on a sample of a specific number. On the basis of the obtained measurement results (using the idea of statistical control of the SPC process), actions interfering with the process are undertaken. In order for these activities to bring the intended effect, it is necessary to find a relationship between the regulated parameters of the production process and the measured characteristics or characteristics of the product, and to treat the measurement results as a random variable The basic concept of MSA is that the measurement process is a special case of a manufacturing process that produces numbers instead of products. This assumption allows you to take the entire philosophy, concept and tools of the Statistical Process Control (SPC) and apply it to the analysis of measurement systems (MSA). Methods used in the evaluation of measurement systems such as ANOVA, Xbar-R are described in publication [3]. One of the conditions for the correct diagnosis and evaluation of the production system on the basis of manufactured products is to carry out reliable measurements. It is important to choose the right measuring instrument. One of the parameters of the device selected at the stage of designing the measurement system with a specific position measurement and dispersion parameter. 2.1 Selection of parameters of measuring instruments


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