BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS / Šturma, Mozetic (eds)

It is impossible to sustain positive discrimination actions are unnecessary if, in 2008, Afro-women income represented R$ 383; Afro-men income was R$ 583; white women income was R$ 742, and white men reached R$ 1.181. 60 The mentioned statistics are clear to demonstrate intense discriminatory acts towards gender and race, making it difficult for the discriminated people to achieve simple rights, available to the rest of Brazilian population. Affirmative actions are necessary for Brazil. The next step is to understand the measures’ advancements or stagnations regarding effectiveness in Brazil. According to the United Nations in Brazil Report, from 2010, affirmative action measures have yielded significant social advancements, especially the ones aimed at implementing the recommendations from the III World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. 61 5.1 Effectiveness of affirmative action measures aimed at women Gender discrimination in Brazil has demanded three affirmative action measures: the first one, aimed at inserting women into politics 62 ; the second one to include them in the labour market, in equal conditions as men 63 ; and the third one to protect them against domestic violence. 64 Regarding politics, women’s participation is still innocuous, nevertheless all the attempts of positive discrimination measures. Even though there is a legal determination of 30% of women in political parties, when it comes to voting, most of them are not elected. As reported by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, women were 51,4% of the Brazilian population, but only 12,3% of them were national politicians in 2013. 65 Regarding the labour market, some advances have occurred. Women perceived 53,1% of men’s salary in 1980. The amount raised to 63,1% in 1991, increased to 70% in 2000, went up to 71,5% in 2010, and in 2015 it got to 74%. 66 Even though inequality 60 BRUSCHINI, C.; LOMBARDI, M. R.; MERCADO, C. M.; RICOLDI, A. Trabalho, Renda e Políticas Sociais: Avanços e Desafios. BRASTED, L.L.; PITANGUY, J. (Org.). O Progresso das Mulheres no Brasil 2003–2010 . Rio de Janeiro: CEPIA; Brasília: ONU Mulheres, 2011, p. 165-166. 61 ORGANIZAÇÃO DAS NAÇÕES UNIDAS NO BRASIL. Ações afirmativas e avanços sociais . Available at: 62 BRASIL. Lei 9.100, de 29 de setembro de 1995 . Available at: L9100.htm. 63 CAVALCANTI, S.V. Igualdade, Discriminação Positiva e Políticas Públicas para Mulheres no Brasil. Revista do Mestrado em Direito da Universidade Federal de Alagoas , ano 2, n. 2, 1º Semestre, 2006, p. 368. 64 The Law n. 11.340/2006 has created ways to fight domestic violence against women, according to the 1988 Constitution (article 226, paragraph 8) and the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women. BRASIL. Lei 11.340, de 07 de agosto de 2006 . Available at:: 65 INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GEOGRAFIA E ESTATÍSTICAS. Indicadores sociais sobre a mulher . Available at:: 66 KNAPP, E. Dois séculos separam mulheres e homens da igualdade no Brasil. Jornal Folha de São Paulo , 26/09/2015. Available at: da-desigualdade-entre-homens-e-mulheres-demoraria-240-anos.shtml.


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