BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS / Šturma, Mozetic (eds)

States, and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics that shows the high level of discrimination against women in labour market. Affirmative action measures have arisen in Brazil as major importance instruments to fight discrimination; they have become important tools to achieve the right to equal treatment. In almost thirty years women have participated in politics and the labour market. In summary, these are the positive and negative aspects concerning affirmative action measures in Brazil, how they show themselves in the Brazilian young and slow democracy. It is to remember they are mere instruments to fight social inequalities. By themselves, the measures do not transform the Brazilian society. There is still a lot to do, and one must not forget the affirmative action measures depend on the Brazilian population values, that must consist on fraternity, tolerance, and respect to diversity, therefore Brazil shall overcome discrimination and inequalities and build the long-cherish dream of free, just and solidary society.


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