BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS / Šturma, Mozetic (eds)

did not deal with the merits of the case, other Panels or Plenum may advocate different opinions in future. In the past, CSR was mentioned only in the statement of a party to the proceedings, but not in the reasoning of the Constitutional Court. 22 Conclusion In the Czech legal order, most issues of CSR highlighted in the CSR guidelines are already codified. However, applicability of these legal rules to the actions of companies abroad or to the contracts the companies concluded with parties from states with a lower level of protection of CSR goals is limited. Therefore, the focus in the Czech Republic is not set primarily on the detailed legal regulation of the CSR, but on the broader enforceability of fundamental rights provisions before the courts and also in legal transactions in private law. 23

22 See decision Pl. ÚS 83/06 of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, available at 23 See e.g. ONDŘEJEK, P.: A Structural Approach to the Effects of Fundamental Rights on Legal Transactions in Private Law, 13 European Constitutional Law Review 2017, pp. 281 and foll.


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