BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS / Šturma, Mozetic (eds)
knowledge, the media, other interested groups and of all the people on the planet. This plan commits itself not to leave anyone behind. As a strategy for systematizing the SDGs, the 5P’s were defined: people, planet, prosperity, partnerships and peace. Through the 5Ps, the ODS commit themselves to people – to eradicate poverty and guarantee dignity and equality; the planet – to protect Earth’s natural resources and climate; prosperity – to guarantee prosperous and full lives in harmony with nature; partnerships – implement the agenda through global and sound partnerships and peace – promoting a peaceful, just and inclusive society. 28 The construction of the ODS under the UN organization represents a unique moment in the history of humanity, because it summons the nations to build a space for discussion and reflection under the problems that devastate humanity and consolidate a unique agenda, where everyone is invited to participate and all are responsible for the changes in the construction of a better world to live, seeking above all to sediment an egalitarian and just society. Maybe this action is something unheard of in history.. However, care must be taken to ensure that the possible distinct interests that may be on this agenda do not compromise it. The individuals involved in this process can conduct it in order to direct the SDGs in order to meet their individual and / or corporate interests, mainly seeking an economic, political, intellectual, cultural, among others benefits. Faced with this possibility, the 2030 agenda can further reinforce the precepts of inequality, exclusion and exacerbated competitiveness that do nothing to eradicate poverty and hunger on the planet and that much less contribute to the liberation of humanity. In this sense, the development of institutional guidelines – both legal and organic, with respect to SDGs, would reflect in governance for the exercise of management, which tends to guarantee the management of subjects to an authority that acts on these actions, this being relationship of power to a dynamic process over time. The prominence of SDGs as an agenda to be implemented by 2030 has presented challenges for contemporary management. All sectors are penetrated by environmental or socio-environmental variables, whose implications cannot be avoided without incurring costs for future generations. Among these challenges, the harmonization of the international commercial relationship to ensure the effectiveness of human rights, therefore, legal and governance elements need to be investigated and proposed. As for governance models, the challenge is to establish institutions to advance the new paradigm of sustainability through forms of association between different stakeholders and systems at the local, national and global levels. As long as the specific structures are adapted and discussed, the proliferation of new forms of participation that complement and challenge the traditional governmental system can be expected. In the new paradigm, the state is immersed in civil society and the nation inserted in the planetary society. 29 Still on governance, there will be an adaptation of paradigms to the aims of institutions at a global level. Sovereignty will provide space for cooperative, coordinated and agreed 28 BRASIL. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil. United Nations (UN) (Comp.). Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development . Brasília: CGDES, 2016. 42 p. Available at: http://www. 29 GLOBAL SCENARIO GROUP; WILDEBEEST. ECLAC; Stockholm Environment Institute. The great transition: The promise and the attraction of the future . Santiago de Chile: Cepal, 2006.
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