BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS / Šturma, Mozetic (eds)
PART III. CONSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR NATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS 10. Business Corporations and the Constitutionalization of Private Law Pavel Ondřejek 129 11. Business and the building of women’s labour market in Brazil through affirmative action measures Narciso Leandro Xavier Baez, Thaís Janaina Wenczenovicz 138 12. The European Union and its Member States and the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights Jitka Brodská , Harald Ch. Scheu 152 13. Czech National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights Martin Archalous 166 PART IV. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND LABOUR LAW 14. Legal aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility – selected examples from the Czech Republic Jana Ondřejková 173 15. Right to Privacy vs. Employer’s Big Brother Practises Martin Štefko 178 16. Fundamental right to privacy and nominal publication of public servants’ remuneration: analysis of understanding STF NO Re N. 652.777/SP Jeferson Osvaldo Vieira , Vinícius Almada Mozetic 187 PART V. BUSINESS AND HUMAN DIGNITY 17. Selling and owning human body parts in the light of human rights: the ideal and the current practice Petr Šustek, Martin Šolc 201 18. The obstetric violence to protect women’s rights and the healthcare business issues Janaína Reckziegel , Cassiane Wendramin 209
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