BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS / Šturma, Mozetic (eds)
ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTORS Pavel Šturma , Professor, JUDr., DrSc., is Professor and head of the Department of International Law, Charles University (Prague), Faculty of Law, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Law, Czech Academy of Sciences, and member of the UN International Law Commission (Geneva). He also coordinates the Centre of Excellence – Research Centre for Human Rights (UNCE) at Charles University (research project No. UNCE/HUM/011). Vinícius Almada Mozetic , PhD., is Post-doctoral researcher in law, University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS; Professor and member of the research group of Master of Laws, University of West Santa Catarina – UNOESC at Chapecó (Material and Effectiveness Dimensions of Fundamental Rights). Martin Archalous , Mgr., is Lawyer and Master in Law from Charles University in Prague. He worked as the secretary of Business and Human Rights Working Group at the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic. Narciso Leandro Xavier Baez, PhD., LL.M., is Chief Academic Officer at the “Excellence Centre in Law” and the LL.M Degree in Law at “Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina” and a Federal Judge (4th Region) since 1996. Jitka Brodská , Mgr., is Deputy Director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (Department of Human Rights), and PhD. candidate at Charles University in Prague. Cristiane Brum dos Santos is Master’s student at the University of Western Santa Catarina – UNOESC (Brazil) and servant of the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region. Rafael Burlani is Lawyer, Master and PhD. from UFSC. Permanent Professor of the Professional Master in Management of Public Policies of the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), Collaborating Professor of the Professional Master in Administration – Management, Internationalization and Logistics of UNIVALI, Professor of CEJURPS at UNIVALI and member of the UNIVALI ODS Nucleus. Martin Faix , JUDr., PhD., MJI, is Senior Lecturer of International Law and a member of the Centre of Excellence – Research Centre for Human Rights (UNCE) at Charles University in Prague and Senior Lecturer of International Law at the Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic. He serves also as alternate member for the Czech Republic in the Management Board of the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency. Beatriz de Felippe Reis is Master’s student in law of PPGD/UNESC and specialist in Labor Law by UNISINOS. He graduated in Juridical and Social Sciences by UFRGS. He is also Judiciary Analyst of TRT4. Rogério Gesta Leal is PhD. in Law from UFSC and UBA, Professor of UNISC and FMP and Judge of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, holder of the Fourth Criminal Chamber, which judges crimes committed by Mayors and Councilors and Crimes against Public Administration.
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