Common European Asylum System in a Changing World
When lodging an application, the applicant generally shall: (a) present an application form, (b) present a travel document, (c) present a photograph, (d) allow the collection of their fingerprints, (e) pay the visa fee – general fee is EUR 80 (EUR 40 for children 6-12); (f) provide supporting documents, (g) provide proof of possession of adequate travel medical insurance.
Visas granted have to be issued in a uniform format under the EU Regulation.
7.2 Returns Directive (RD) Directive 2008/115/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third- country national The aim Although the Returns Directive (RD) does not form part of the CEAS, it is closely related to the CEAS instruments. The 2009 Returns Directive sets out procedures to be applied in Member States for returning third-country nationals staying illegally (Article 1). Effectively returning irregular migrants is one of the key objectives of the RD. The scope of application Personal scope The RD applies to any third-country national staying irregularly on the territory of a Member State (excluding Denmark, Ireland, and the United Kingdom ) or the four Schengen-associated states, independently of the reasons for irregular stay (Article 2).
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