Common European Asylum System in a Changing World


1. The asylum and migration policy was “communitarised” via a) the Maastricht Treaty b) the Amsterdam Treaty c) the Lisbon Treaty. 2. Under the Amsterdam Treaty, the Council was called to adopt

a) minimum standards on asylum b) uniform standards on asylum c) no standards on asylum. 3. For the time being, EC/EU secondary legislation has been successfully adopted within

a) one phase of harmonisation b) three phases of harmonisation c) two phases of harmonisation.

4. In line with the Treaties in force, the secondary legislation on asylum is adopted a) by the Council after consulting the European Parliament in the so-called special legislative procedure b) by the Commission in the so-called comitology procedure c) by the Council acting together with the European Parliament in the so-called ordinary legislative procedure. 5. The Qualification Directive 2011/95/EU , the Dublin III Regulation 604/2013 and the Asylum Procedures Directive 2013/32/EU a) are still in force b) are no longer in force c) were adopted within the first phase of harmonisation of asylum law. 6. The Commission decided to reform the CEAS in 2016 a) because the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU was made legally binding b) because of the so-called migration crisis starting in 2015 c) because the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe entered into force. 7. “Relocation Decisions” a) were based on voluntary principle of distribution of asylum seekers b) were annulled by the Court of Justice of the EU c) didn’t prove to be very effective because of low percentage of distributed applicants. 8. When drafting proposal for the Dublin IV Regulation, the Commission a) didn’t include any permanent relocation system due to the opposition of significant number of Member States b) introduced only a financial mechanism as an instrument of fair sharing of responsibility in the EU asylum policy


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