Common European Asylum System in a Changing World
Drafting team of experts The drafting team consisted of Lenka Pítrová , ed. European Law Department and Administrative Law Department, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague (chapter 1, 5, 7.2, 7.3) Jana Plaňavová-Latanowicz , Centre for Europe, Warsaw University (chapter 2), Nataša Chmelíčková is the Head of Unit for Asylum Legislation in the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy, Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic (chapter 3, 7.1, 7.2), Magdaléna Svobodová , European Law Department, Charles University Prague and Metropolitan University Prague (chapter 4), Harald Christian Scheu , European Law Department, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague (chapter 7.4), Daniel Burda , Administrative Law Department, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague (chapter 6).
Acknowledgements Comments on the draft were received from prof. JUDr. PhDr. Michal Tomášek, DrSc.
All these comments were taken into consideration by the editorial team in finalizing the text for publication and we are grateful for all the comments.
ISBN: 978-80-7630-003-3
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