Common European Asylum System in a Changing World
are the decisions in joined cases C-411/10 and C-493/10 NS, ME and others, mentioned above in connection with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (See Chapter…) • 2013 EURODAC Regulation (recast)
This Regulation (603/2013) facilitates the application of the Dublin III Regulation by creating a fingerprint database. It also has an irreplaceable role in the prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist acts. The EURODAC is accessible by Member States’ authorities as well as Europol. • 2011 Qualification Directive (recast)
The purpose of this Directive (2011/95) is to lay down the standards to be met by third-country nationals or stateless persons in order to benefit from international protection, uniform status for refugees or beneficiaries of subsidiary protection and the content of protection granted.
Unlike regulations that are directly applicable in Member States, the Directive sets out the objectives to be achieved while leaving the choice of forms and methods to the Member States. Member States are therefore obliged to adopt implementing legislation.
International protection can take one of two forms: the granting of refugee status and the associated asylum right or the granting of subsidiary protection. The conditions for recognition of a person as a refugee have been formulated in a Directive in accordance with the Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees. In accordance with the Qualification Directive, ‘beneficiary of subsidiary protection’ means a third-country national or a stateless person who does not qualify as a refugee but
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