Common European Asylum System in a Changing World

Vertical 1. UN Refugee Convention 3. Non-EU member state, member state of the European Economic Area, and the border-free zone; country that applied for EU membership 5. The city where the European Council met, laying the political foundation of the common European asylum and migration policy 7. Non-EU Member State, member of the European Economic Area, and the border- free zone, a country that has never applied for EU membership 9. Non-EU Member State, non-member of the European Economic Area, and member of the border-free zone 11. Association agreement that grants citizens of the associated country the right to reside and work in the EU 12. Protocol 24 on asylum for nationals of Member States of the European Union Horizontal 2. EU act determining which member state is responsible for examining applications for asylum and subsidiary protection 4. The seat of the European Asylum Support Office 6. The treaty that made significant changes to the European Union’s (EU) treaty structure and law-making processes including immigration and asylum law and widened European Union’s competence in asylum and immigration policy 8. The treaty that granted EU institutions new powers to adopt legislation on asylum 10. Non-EU Member State, member of the European Economic Area, and the border- free zone, a country that has never applied for EU membership 12. The treaty that led most of the European countries towards the abolishment of their national borders, in order to build an area without borders 13. The seat of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) 14. The treaty that introduced cooperation on immigration policy in the European Union Test question: Which of the following terms has no relevance to international protection in the meaning of 2011 Qualification Directive: 1. asylum

2. diplomatic protection 3. subsidiary protection 4. all three above are relevant


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