Common European Asylum System in a Changing World

access to employment, accommodation or housing, social welfare, or means of subsistence,  access to medical treatment,  education for minors,  opportunities for families to reunite in certain circumstances,  guarantees for access to the normal asylum procedure. The Directive also contains provisions for the return of displaced persons to their country of origin and for excluding individuals who have committed serious crimes or who pose a threat to security from the benefit of temporary protection. Specific provisions have been drawn up for unaccompanied minors and for those having undergone particularly traumatic experiences (such as rape, physical, or psychological violence).

Solidarity between EU States

Solidarity and a balance between EU States in receiving displaced persons is promoted through a structured mechanism. It allows for transfers of beneficiaries between EU States, based on a voluntary offer from a State and on the consent of the transferee.

? Find the respective Article on solidarity and answer these questions:

1. Does the Directive define a key to calculate Member States quotas on reception of persons under Temporary Protection Directive? 2. If yes, how is the quota calculated? 3. If not, how shall Member States proceed? 4. What happens if the number of persons exceeds the capacity of Member States?

the number of those who are eligible for temporary protection following a sudden and massive influx exceeds the announced reception capacity, the Council shall, as a matter of urgency, examine the situation and take appropriate action, including recommending additional support for Member States affected. For the duration of the temporary protection, the Member States shall cooperate with each other with regard to transferral of the residence of persons enjoying temporary protection from one Member State to another, subject to the consent of the persons concerned to such transferral.


and the Commission. This information shall be passed on swiftly to UNHCR.

4. The Member States may indicate additional reception capacity by notifying the Council

the Council Decision on activation of the temporary protection scheme.

This information shall be set out in

terms – their capacity to receive such persons.

in the spirit of Community solidarity. They shall indicate – in figures or in general

Solution Article 25 and 26/1. 1. No. 2. – 3. The Member States shall receive persons who are eligible for temporary protection


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