Common European Asylum System in a Changing World
co-decides with the Council in which the representatives of the Member States decide by qualified majority. This type of procedure is also used in the area of CEAS. In the area of shared competence, which is also the case of CEAS, the proposal is also sent to the national parliaments which can express in an eight-week period their reasoned opinion on the compliance of the proposal with the principle of subsidiarity. The aim of this exercise is tracking the legislative procedure in case of a competed and adopted proposal in the CEAS area and to get a better understand the legislative procedures and the role of the European institutions. The legislative observatory of the European Parliament will allow you to accede various legislative documents at various stages of the process. Tracking a legislative process in CEAS Legislative proposal Follow the legislative process of a legislative proposal in CEAS area (for example Qualification directive 2009/0164(COD) or Dublin III regulation 2008/0243(COD) To gain a better understanding of how legislative decision-making procedures evolve in practice. To learn how to navigate the EP’s Legislative Observatory as well as get acquainted with Pre-lex. Introduction In this exercise you will follow the legislative track of a piece of Aim
legislation adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure in the area of CEAS. You will use the European Parliament website that allows “legislative train” of a proposal and gives you access to relevant legislative materials in every stage of the procedure. • Go to the EP’s Legislative Observatory search form: • • Leave the search field empty and press OK • You will now get a list of all documents and on the left there is a menu allowing you to refine your search. • Under Parliamentary Term select ‘7th term’ • Under Type of legislative act select ‘Regulation’ or ‘Directive’ • Under Procedure Status select ‘Completed’ • Click on any of the decisions adopted. You will now get an overview of the different stages and summaries for every stage. (There may also be a link to Pre-Lex, the Commission’s database. This allows you to further scrutinize the stages of the procedure.) Describe the different steps in the procedure Using Oeil (and if necessary Pre-Lex). You can use the “legislative train” to describe the process To what extent has the original proposal been modified by the Council and/or EP? Make use of the summaries offered on the Oeil website in order to answer this question.
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