Most of the respondents stated that they consider the context in which they study is multicultural and capable of recognising diversity as an added value. In Figure 5b, it is possible to see the distribution of the responses. In particular, 9 individuals answered yes, while 6 stated that the context in which they study is not multicultural and capable of recognising diversity as an added value. It is interesting to note that some respondents stated that the context is multicultural. Still, two of them said that it needs to be sufficiently inclusive. One of the respondents stated that being older than his classmates, he can present his identity as an added value with other students thanks to experiences acquired in living in multicultural environments. Another interviewee stated that although the environment where he studies is multicultural, the university is not supportive enough of the diversity of people to be perceived as an added value.

Figure 5b: Perception of multiculturality as an added value

Most people feel that their identity in the educational context where they study is not a problem. Sixty per cent of the respondents stated that they do not think their different ethnicity or nationality creates problems with their fellow students (Figure 5c). Only five respondents said their identity is a problem in their study environment. At the same time, two did not know, and one respondent said yes and no.

Figure 5c: Perception of diversity as a problem

Critical incidents – intended as an event out of the range of normal experience, as a result of diversity within the sample group, and resulting in an unexpected, mostly


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