Figure 13: Skills to be improved to face critical incidents

Also, in communication, many students indicated that language skills are crucial to reducing critical incidents (16% of respondents). None of the respondents mentioned negotiation skills as one of the skills that should be strengthened at university to better cope with critical incidents. Among those who indicated more intercultural skills, one respondent stated: “Just spread more awareness about the issues happening a lot in the university, for example, I see them a lot spreading awareness about LGBTQ2+ but nothing about Muslims.” 5.2 Financial Intermediaries Workers Only seven people participated in the survey of financial intermediaries. This is the reason why this section is given a relatively lower emphasis in our analysis. Most respondents are between 40 and 50 (3 of the total). As shown in Figure 14, the age group 30–40 is the second most frequent (and from the total), while the outer groups 20–30 and 50–65 are the least frequent.

Figure 14: Age of respondents

Most of the respondents have a high level of education, with five of them responding that they have completed university studies in economics. One respondent answered that he has a secondary school diploma in accountancy.


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