Table 1: Representational aspects of scenic-episodic narratives 10 Category Description Duration of narrated time Short, temporally self-contained episodes Relationship between narrated and narrative time Detailed working through of the event continuum to isochronous rendering Time and experience perspective From the perspective of action and experience at the time Event representation Dramatic, re-enacting, immediate Event concatenation Organised towards a dramatic climax (‘skandalon’ punch line) or a moral Narrative internal structuring Full form – abstract, orientation, narrative sentences, complication, result, coda Scenic presence Frequent in the climax Verbatim speech and dialogue Frequent in the climax, purely staged, occasionally imitative or without verba dicendi Emotionality or expressivity Immediate emotional involvement in the scene, expressive speech forms Justification of narrative worthiness Exceptional character, special nature of the event, (‘plan break’) key character or higher-oriented value (e.g. entertainment, evocation of empathy) Evaluative activities Evaluations from the perspective of experience and retrospective-categorising in the introductory and exiting activities, related to the climax of the event Listener-related function Establishment of a shared scenic imagination space, promoting empathy and solidarity Dealing with tension Tension build-up with regard to scenic events, complication and outcome Source: Lucius-Hoene and Deppermann (2004, pp. 156–157) Table 2: Representational aspects of reporting narrative form 11 Category Description Duration of the narrated time Longer periods of time, up to epochs Relationship between narrated and narrative time Summarising narrower periods of time into summarising and categorising descriptions of actions or sequences of events

Perspective of time and experience

Undramatic retrospective summarising and categorising descriptions of actions and sequences of events, ‘processed’ on the basis of knowledge of the here-and-now With or (mostly) without a climax of the chain of events

Chain of events

Internal narrative structuring Only partially or incompletely present Scenic present tense Absent

10 Translated by the authors. 11 Translated by the authors


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