CYIL 2015


CYIL 6 ȍ2015Ȏ

Georgia The cyber-attacks onGeorgian governmental websites during the summer of 2008 received quite high attention from the worlds’ media. 14 The cyber-attacks happened during the conflict situation in the South Ossetia region, and from hacking of the websites of the Georgian Parliament, the official governmental websites displayed photos of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili together with photos of Adolf Hitler, comparing each of them in the similar situations. 15 Once again the accusations headed against Russia, which denied such an involvement, and the perpetrators remained unknown. 16 Stuxnet Stuxnet was a computer worm, malware, 17 discovered by a small Belarusian computer company on the computers of Iranian citizens. 18 It turned out that the malware was designed to attack Natanz–the Iranian nuclear fuel enrichment facility, and it successfully affected its operation by turning the centrifuges much more rapidly than was their proper operation speed and at the same time caused the computer system to improperly inform the staff that the operation of centrifuges was correct. 19 The cyber-attack managed to set the Iranian nuclear program back for approximately the period of a year, and although state involvement has (again) never been proved, the allegations for the attack’s responsibility flew against the United States and Israel. 20 Operation Orchad An example of useful employment of a cyber-attack within a military operation might be provided by the Israeli Air Force. In 2007 the Israeli Air Force managed to enter Syrian airspace to bomb a military facility there and to leave the Syrian airspace unnoticed. 21 It is believed (but once again not proved) that Israel managed 14 MARKOFF, J., Before the Gunfire, Cyberattacks, The New York Times, 2008, available at http://www. 17 Malware is software or firmware intended to perform an unauthorized process that will have adverse impact on one or more required properties of the targeted system, including (but not limited to confidentiality, privacy, integrity, availability, dependability, usability, and performance. Cammamck, Ch. The Stuxnet Worm and Potential Prosecution by the International Criminal Court Under the Newly Defined Crime of Aggression, TULANEJ OFINT’L & COMP LAW, 2011–2012, Vol 20, 303 -325, p. 315. 18 CAMMACK, Ch. The Stuxnet Worm and Potential Prosecution by the International Criminal Court Under the Newly Defined Crime of Aggression, TULANEJ OFINT’L & COMP LAW, 2011–2012, Vol 20, 303-25 , p. 315. 15 Ibid . 16 Ibid .

19 Ibid . 20 Ibid .

21 QUINLAN,S.Jam.Bomb.Hack?NewU.S.CyberCapabilitiesandtheSuppressionofEnemyAirDefenses, Georgetown Securities Studies Review , 7 April 2014, available at http://georgetownsecuritystudiesreview. org/2014/04/07/jam-bomb-hack-new-u-s-cyber-capabilities-and-the-suppression-of-enemy-air-defenses/.


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