CYIL Vol. 6, 2015



The Survey covers Czech books, articles and chapters dealing with international law and also texts of Czech authors published abroad, that appeared during 2014 and the first half of 2015. It includes also selected texts focused on private international law, European Law and the Czech constitutional law, that all reflect international law aspects. The division between sections I and II in part B is indicative only; many articles deal with public international as well as private international (or also European or municipal) aspects of analysed issue. In 2014, several new textbooks or new edition of textbooks were issued. Already the 6 th edition of extensive work written by Jiří Malenovský was published. As well as in his other works, he devotes special attention to the relation between international and Czech law and also international and European legal order. The 5 th edition of a textbook by Jan Ondřej covers wide range of fundamental topics from public and private international law as well as basics of international trade law. A new handbook of international law sources was prepared by a group of young authors from Palacký University in Olomouc - Martin Faix, Pavel Bureš and Ondřej Svaček. Group of authors from the Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague presented monographs on selected topics of international law – on migration law (edited by Věra Honusková), on human rights and on international criminal law (both edited by Pavel Šturma). Other topics reflected in Czech books, articles and conference papers include the establishment and recognition of states (e.g. in a collective monograph by Pavel Bureš, Martin Faix and Jan Svaček), analysis of different trends in judicature of the European Court of Human Rights (e.g. Martin Kopa) or law of international treaties (Pavel Šturma and Zuzana Trávníčková, eds). From books devoted to private international law, let be mentioned the collective monograph dealing with new Czech act on private international law edited by Naděžda Rozehnalová from Masaryk University in Brno and a detailed commentary to the same act by Petr Bříza et al. Further, Tereza Kyselovská focuses on the influence of electronization on European private international law and Andrej Staňko introduces and compares methods of investment in private international law. Miluše Hrnčiříková devotes her attention to history of mediation. Its important position among Czech international law publications has confirmed the Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International law, issued by the Czech Society of International Law since 2010. It is a great pleasure of all authors, editors and supporters of this publication to remind, that the Yearbook has been indexed in the Scopus database since the beginning of 2015.


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