CYIL vol. 10 (2019)


Dear Readers, It is with great pleasure that I introduce the tenth anniversary of the Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law (CYIL). Volume 10 appears, as usual, in the autumn. This is most likely the right time for the readers of this Yearbook who are interested in the developments in international law and its codification. The Czech Yearbook was established by the Czech Society of International Law in 2010. It was done thanks to the Board and the members of this association of Czech international lawyers, both academics and practitioners, who felt a lacuna of such specialized journal or yearbook. Since 2014, the Czech Yearbook has been published by the new international publishers, RW&W, Science & New Media, Passau-Berlin-Praha, which also ensures, in cooperation with Süd Ost Service, its distribution in Germany and Western Europe. As you may know, the CSIL publishes the Yearbook both in printed and electronic versions ( Since 2015, the Czech Yearbook has been included in the Czech index of scholarly peer-reviewed journals (RVVI) and in the SCOPUS international database. Two years ago, Volume 8 made a new record in the history of CYIL, amounting to 660 pages. This growth of the Czech Yearbook ranks it among the larger publications of its kind in an international comparison. However, the size of the Yearbook also warrants some technical improvements, such as a larger page size and better quality of the paper and cover used for the printed version. In spite of the higher publishing costs, we are proud to announce that this publication is still available for free for members of the Czech Society of International Law (included in the membership fee) and on sale for a very reasonable price. The Czech Yearbook, in spite of its difficult beginnings, has succeeded to attract a sufficient number of authors and readers in the Czech Republic and abroad. It found its place among other similar publications on international law. In anticipation of the anniversary, I had the great honour and pleasure to present our publication at the seminar “Yearbooks in International Law: History, Function and Future”, organized in The Hague (26-27 September 2019) by the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, celebrating in turn its 50 th anniversary. Therefore, I look with moderate optimism into the next decade when it comes to our Yearbook. As usual, Volume 10 (2019) presents a variety of studies and articles covering many issues of contemporary International and European law. The Yearbook first brings a number of studies on important developments, such as the Chagos advisory opinion of the ICJ or the decision of the ICC in the Jordan cooperation case, addressing respectively the right to self- determination and exceptions to immunity of a Head of State. Other contributions address, e.g. the special position of the European Union in the Council of Europe or ten years of reviews of the UN sanctions Ombudsperson. The readers will also find here many other traditional sections, including human rights in general and a thematic symposium on Human rights of older persons. Like last year, the CYIL also presents a section on International law and EU law with three the articles on a wide range of issues, including an article on European antidiscrimination


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