CYIL vol. 10 (2019)

JURAJ JANKUV CYIL 10 ȍ2019Ȏ REFLECTIONS ON THE TOPIC OF THE CONCEPT OF PROTECTION OF SUBSTANTIVE HUMAN RIGHT TO ENVIRONMENT IN INTERNATIONAL LAW Juraj Jankuv Abstract: Substantive human right to environment represents a relatively new element in human rights catalogues of international law. This human right has gradually become established in international law at the universal level since the year of 1972 under the auspices of the United Nations Organization. Following this process, this right had been enshrined in the framework of regional international organizations and integration groupings. This paper deals with reflections on the topic of the concept of protection of this right in the scope of international law at the universal and regional levels and in the scope of European Union law. Résumé: Hmotné ľudské právo na životné prostredie predstavuje relatívne nový prvok v rámci katalógov ľudských práv v medzinárodnom práve i v práve Európskej únie. Toto právo sa postupne formovalo v rámci medzinárodného práva verejného na univerzálnej úrovni od roku 1972 pod gesciou Organizácie Spojených národov. V nadväznosti na tento proces bolo toto právo zakotvené i v rámci regionálnych medzinárodných organizácií a in- tegračných zoskupení. Tento príspevok sa zaoberá úvahami na tému koncepcie ochrany tohto práva v rámci medzinárodného práva na univerzálnej a regionálnej úrovni a v rámci práva Európskej únie. Key words: International Environmental Law, International Human Rights Law, European Union Law, Slovak Law, environmental human rights, substantive human right to environment, procedural environmental rights. On the author: Juraj Jankuv, doc., JUDr., PhD. graduated from the Faculty of Law of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (1989). He obtained the title JUDr. in 1989, PhD. in 1999 and authorized academic lecturer in 2010. Currently, he is employed as an associate professor of the Department of Law and Constitutional Law of the Faculty of Law of Trnava University in Trnava, but he teaches mainly at the Department of International Law and European Law of the same Faculty of Law. He devotes his scientific and pedagogical attention to the field of public international law, specializing in the issues of international human rights law, rights of persons belonging to minorities and indigenous peoples, international law territorial regimes and international environmental law. This contribution was elaborated in the scope of the scientific project No. 1/0193/18 “Environmentalization of Public International Law” as approved by the VEGA Commission for Economic and Legal Sciences of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.


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