CYIL vol. 10 (2019)

CYIL 10 ȍ2019Ȏ LEGAL REGULATION OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MODERN GOALS … the sphere of using of nuclear energy. It is important to mention that Jakub Handrlica also presents very interesting reviews of books, scientific events in the sphere of nuclear law. 2 It is necessary to pay attention to detail research of C. Stoiber, A. Baer, N. Pelzer, W. Tonhauser – Handbook on nuclear law. The authors research the concept of nuclear law, principals of nuclear law, the issues of incorporating international guidance documents and foreign law provisions into national legislation, legal regulation of nuclear and radiation safety, legal regulation of radioactive waste and spent fuel, etc. 3 At the same time, it cannot be said that there are many studies in the sphere to the legal regulation of nuclear medicine. Issues of legal regulation of nuclear medicine as well as many other issues of nuclear law deserve attention of the scientific, expert community. The conclusions and proposals may be useful for the development of international legal regulation of nuclear medicine. Applications of radioisotope diagnostics and radiopharmaceuticals cover oncology, cardiology, urology, endocrinology, immunology, neurosurgery, and traumatology. It is important for all representatives of the international community to have information on new possibilities for diagnostics, prevention, and treatment of diseases. In this regard, it seems highly relevant that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) provides access to various databases and scientific materials, including the NUMDAB database, 4 which contains information resources on the state of nuclear medicine around the world, including information on the used isotopes and radiopharmaceuticals, on individual objects of nuclear medicine, and used human resources and equipment. It should also be noted that certain information is also available on the website of the World Health Organization, in particular, the report of the IAEA/WHO experts on use of ionizing radiation and radioisotopes for medical purposes (nuclear medicine), but it should also be noted that the posted documents relating to nuclear medicine were published in 1972, 1977, and 1989. 5 In 2017, the concept of nuclear medicine development in the Russian Federation was presented in the IAEA. In accordance with this concept, special importance is attached to ensuring territorial availability of nuclear medicine and radiation therapy as well as providing the full range of nuclear medicine and radiation therapy services in case of oncological, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, including the use of active radionuclide and hadron therapy. The experience of development of nuclear medicine centers in Russia can be useful for the international community. 6 2 HANDRLICA, J. Jaderné právo: právní rámec pro mírové využívání jaderné energie a ionizujícího záření. [Nuclear law: the legal framework for the peaceful use of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation] Auditorium, 2012; HANDRLICA, J. Nuclear law in the Russian Federation – two books, one review Anatoly I. GRISHENKO, Jadernoe pravo Rosii, Viktoria V. ROMANOVA (ed), Problemy i tendencii pravovogo regulirovaniya v oblasti ispolzovaniya atomnoi energii. The Journal of World Energy Law & Business , Volume 11, pp 461-463. 3 STOIBER, C. [et al.]. Handbook on nuclear law . Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2003. 4 5 6 yadernoi-mediciny.html. 2. Possibilities of Peaceful Application in the Field of Use of Nuclear Energy for Medical Purposes. Concept of Nuclear Medicine and Its Lines.


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