CYIL vol. 10 (2019)

CYIL 10 ȍ2019Ȏ SURVEY OF CZECH INTERNATIONAL LAW BIBLIOGRAPHY Drličková K, ‘Money Laundering in International Commercial Arbitration’ in Cingula M, Rhein D and Machrafi M (eds) Economic and Social Development (Book of Proceedings), 31st International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development – “Legal Challenges of Modern World” (Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency 2018) 227-234 Fellerová Palkovská I, ‘Brexit – An Opportunity for the United Kingdom to Escape from EU Law and Related Challenges’ in Staníčková M and others (eds). Proceedings of the 4th In- ternational Conference on European Integration 2018 (ICEI 2018), May 17-18, 2018, Ostrava, Czech Republic (VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava 2018) 282-290 Garajová M, ‘The Issue of Corruption in the International Trade-questioning the Aribtra- tors’ Jurisdiction’ (2018) 4 People? International Journal of Social Sciences 1-16 Hamuľák O ‘The Variations of Judicial Enforcement of EU Charter of Fundamental Rights vis-à-vis Union Institutions and Bodies’ (2018) European Studies : The Review of European Law, Economics and Politics 98-112 Hamuľák O, Ramiro Troitiño D and Chochia A, ‘ Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea y los derechos sociales ’ [ EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and Social Rights ] (2018) 1 Estudios Constitucionales 167-186 Kosař D and Petrov J, ‘Determinants of Compliance Difficulties among ‘Good Compliers’: Implementation of International Human Rights Rulings in the Czech Republic’ (2018) 2 European Journal of International Law 397-425 Kosař D and Šipulová K ‘The Strasbourg Court Meets Abusive Constitutionalism: Baka v. Hungary and the Rule of Law’ (2018) 1 Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 83-110 Kosař D, ‘The Strasbourg Court and Domestic Judicial Politics’ in Wind M (ed) Internatio- nal Courts and Domestic Politics (Cambridge university press 2018) 71-92 Kryska D, ‘Zastavení řízení o kasační stížnosti ve věci zajištění žadatele o udělení mezi- národní ochrany’ [Termination of Appeal Proceedings on Detention of an Applicant for International Protection] (2018) 2 Soudní rozhledy 50-52 Kryska D, ‘Žádost o rozhodnutí o předběžné otázce ve věci soudního přezkumu rozhodnutí o mezinárodní ochraně’ [Request for a Preliminary Ruling in the Case of Judicial Review of a Decision on International Protection] (2018) 1-2 Bulletin Výzkumného centra pro lidská práva UNCE 3-5 Kyselovská T, ‘A Critical Perspective on the Development of Internet Related Case Law for On- line Consumer Contracts in the EU’ in M. Staníčková and others (eds). Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on European Integration 2018 (ICEI 2018), May 17-18, 2018, Ostrava, Czech Republic (VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava 2018) 893-900 Kyselovská T, ‘Kritická analýza judikatury Soudního dvora EU ve věcech určení mezinárodní příslušnosti soudů v případě pomluvy a porušení osobnostních práv na internetu’ [Critical Analysis of the Case Law of the Court of Justice EU in Regards to the International Jurisdic- tion of Courts in Disputes Arising out of defamation and Infringements of Personality Rights on the Internet] (2018) 4 Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi 589-610


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