CYIL vol. 10 (2019)


CYIL 10 ȍ2019Ȏ


Abstract: The article analyses the concept of the security of state and its components and one particular area of energy security. Firstly, the security theories of different authors are analysed, which usually focus on military, political, economic, social and environmental threats. Furthermore, the nature of threats to energy sector which is becoming more and more important for any state’s proper functioning is explored. Lastly, the main international documents containing both political declarations and legal obligations are analysed, that is, the European Energy Charter, Energy Charter Treaty and International Energy Charter are analysed. The important facets of energy security are diversification of energy sources, security of transit, liberalisation of energy markets, which in turn help ensure continuous and uninterrupted flow of affordable energy. Resum é : Článek analyzuje pojem bezpečnosti státu a jeho složky a konkrétní oblast ener- getické bezpečnosti. Nejprve jsou analyzovány bezpečnostní teorie různých autorů, které se obvykle zaměřují na vojenské, politické, ekonomické, sociální a environmentální hrozby. Dále je zkoumána povaha hrozeb ve vztahu k energetick é mu sektoru, který je stále důle- žitější pro řádné fungování každého státu. Nakonec jsou analyzovány hlavní mezinárodní dokumenty obsahující politická prohlášení i právní závazky, tj. Evropská energetická charta, Smlouva o energetické chartě a Mezinárodní energetická charta. Důležitými aspekty ener- getické bezpečnosti jsou diverzifikace zdrojů energie, bezpečnost tranzitu, liberalizace trhů s energií, což zase pomáhá zajistit nepřetržitý a nepřerušený tok dostupné energie. Key words: energy security, hybrid threats, state security, Energy Charter process. About the Authors: Prof. Dr. Birutė Pranevičienė is a professor of Law at Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania). Since 2003 she has been theHead of the LawDepartment at the Faculty of Public Security. As the Head of the Law Department, Prof. Dr. B. Pranevičienė is responsible for all jurisprudence courses that are taught at the Faculty of Public Security. She is actively involved in academic activity at all three levels of higher education: she gives lectures for bachelor and master students, she also supervises doctoral students, and she is a convener of the module “The Global Context of European Border Security” in the Frontex project “European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management”. Her scientific interest is focused on human rights, constitutional, administrative, and environmental law issues. Assoc. prof. Dr. Violeta Vasiliauskienė teaches Public International Law and European Union Law at the Public Security Faculty of Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania. She also teaches the subjects of Hydrosphere Protection Policy, Legal Regulation, Human Rights, and Fundamental Freedoms in the Criminal Procedure. Her Ph.D. thesis was acquired in 2014. The topic of the thesis was “The Fight Against Terrorism in the Context of International Humanitarian Law”. Her scientific interests are in public international law, and European Union law. Violeta Vasiliauskienė supervises bachelor and master students at her university, and joint master programs at the Frontex and CEPOL (European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training).


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