CYIL vol. 11 (2020)

CYIL 11 (2020)



Abstract: The article analyses the state response to the present COVID-19 pandemic from the angle of restrictions on human rights. The aim of the article is to research the legal basis of state response to the challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic and to research the practice of ECtHR for possible guidance on such cases. The article begins by analysing state response to COVID-19 pandemic describing the need for the limitations on human rights in this situation. Further, the article dwells on the essential notion in assessing human rights limitations – proportionality. The article proceeds by analysing the practice of ECHR regarding public health exception and regarding Article 15. Finally, the two regimes – national emergency and quarantine – are compared. Resumé: Článek analyzuje reakci státu na současnou pandemii COVID-19 z pohledu ome- zení lidských práv. Cílem autorek je zkoumat právní základ reakce státu na výzvy, které představuje pandemie COVID-19, a prozkoumat praxi Evropského soudu pro lidská práva, z pohledu možných “pokynů” v těchto věcech. Článek začíná rozborem reakcí států na pan- demii COVID-19, zvýrazňující jejich opatření k omezení lidských práv. Dále se článek zaměřuje na základní princip při judiciálním posuzování omezení lidských práv – a to pro- porcionalitu. Článek vychází z analýzy praxe Evropského soudu pro lidská práva, týkající se výjimek z oblasti veřejného zdraví a článku 15 Úmluvy. Nakonec jsou porovnány dva režimy – stav nouze a karanténa. Key words: human rights, pandemic, proportionality, national emergency, limitations to human rights, quarantine About the Authors: Prof. Dr. Birutė Pranevičienė is a professor of Law at Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania). Since 2003 she has been the Head of the Law Department at the Academy of Public Security. As the Head of the Law Department, Prof. Dr. B. Pranevičienė is responsible for all jurisprudence courses that are taught at the Academy of Public Security. She is actively involved in academic activity at all three levels of higher education: she gives lectures for bachelor and master students, she also supervises doctoral students, and she is a convener of the module “The Global Context of European Border Security” in the Frontex project “European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management”. Her scientific interest is focused on human rights, constitutional, administrative, and environmental law issues. Prof. Dr. Violeta Vasiliauskienė is a professor of law, she teaches Public International Law and European Union Law at the Public Security Academy of Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania. She also teaches the subjects of Hydrosphere Protection Policy and Legal Regulation; Human Rights, and Fundamental Freedoms in the Criminal Procedure. Her Ph.D. thesis was acquired in 2014. The topic of the thesis was “The Fight Against Terrorism in the Context of International Humanitarian Law”. Her scientific interests are public international law and European Union law. Violeta Vasiliauskienė supervises bachelor and


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