CYIL vol. 12 (2021)

tomáš křivka CYIL 12 (2021) Impacts of the CJEU case law on regulatory competition in the field of freedom of establishment in the EU Tomáš Křivka Abstract: Free movement of persons is a traditional institute with a relatively clear interpretation and settled case law of the CJEU. However, in case of free movement (freedom of establishment) of legal persons, the situation is quite different, as the limits of this institute were repeatedly reviewed by the CJEU with surprising conclusions. The Court has historically played the role of a substitute legislator who has filled the gaps in secondary EU law with its judicial decisions. This paper examines the effects of relevant CJEU case law on the so-called regulatory competition, ie the mutual competition of different legal systems in the field of free movement of companies, resp. of legal persons. Resumé: Volný pohyb osob je tradiční institut s poměrně jasným výkladem a ustálenou judikaturou SDEU. V případě volného pohybu (svobody usazování) právnických osob je však situace značně odlišná, neboť limity tohoto institutu byly ze strany SDEU opakovaně přezkoumávány s překvapivými závěry. SDEU zde historicky plnil roli jakéhosi náhrad- ního zákonodárce, který svými rozhodnutími zaplňoval mezery v sekundárním unijním právu. Příspěvek zkoumá dopady relevantní soudní judikatury na tzv. regulatorní soutěž, tedy vzájemné soupeření různých právních řádů v oblasti volného pohybu společností, resp. právnických osob. Key words: Free movement of persons, freedom of establishment, regulatory competition, companies, EU legal persons About the author: Tomáš Křivka graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic, he also studied at School of Law, Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK. He is currently a PhD student at his alma mater. His research and academic activities are mainly focused on issues of unification and harmonisation of private law in EU Member States. Apart from his academic career, he is a practising attorney-at-law qualified in the Czech Republic.


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