CYIL vol. 12 (2021)

CYIL 12 (2021) THE 50 TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE TREATY ON THE NON-PROLIFERATION… The capacity and influence that States will have in the discussion on the various issues listed will result in the success or failure of this Review Conference. The fact is that it will be fundamental that the Conference results in an Action Plan that can be implemented in the next 5 years and that allows the NPT objectives to be guaranteed. In this sense and following the steps of Lewis A. Dunn, 61 we propose the following actions, which address the topics mentioned above:

Article I •

Reaffirm the Article I “non-transfer” and “non assistance” obligations. • Create a consensus that all states have a „non-transfer“ obligation.

Article II •

Finding a consensus for „non-production“ of nuclear weapons. • Addressing the expansion of North Korea‘s nuclear program.

Article III •

Take actions to increase the number of States adopting the Additional Protocol. • Reaffirm the importance of IAEA having access based on Article XII of the Stat- ute „everywhere, anytime“.

Artigo IV •

Security of the Nuclear New Build.

Artigo VI •

Initiate negotiations on effective measures related to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and nuclear disarmament; • „Creating the environment for nuclear disarmament“

Further discussion on the implementation of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, in addition to the existing regional nuclear-weapon-free zones, allows the end of the possibility of armed conflict using nuclear weapons in that area. These circumstances also could be achieved with the signature and implementation of Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. The hope of success for the Review Conference is high. However, some authors point out that throughout the various Conferences, 62 it has not been possible to implement Article VI of the NPT because of the pressure exerted by the ‘nuclear states’. The demand for effective 61 See Dunn (fn 8), p. 168. 62 DOYLE, Thomas E. Moral and Political Necessities for Nuclear Disarmament , Strategic Studies Quarterly , Vol. 9, nr 2 (Summer 2015), 19–42. (available at:


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