CYIL vol. 12 (2021)

Kateřina zabloudilovÁ CYIL 12 (2021) presence of arbitration agreements and dismissing the claim. 109 Common law jurisdictions typically stay judicial proceedings. 110 Some courts issue anti-suit injunctions 111 . 112 The Brussels Ibis Regulation Jurisdiction agreements have two effects – they fix the jurisdiction of the chosen court and oust the jurisdiction of the otherwise competent court. 113 To ensure that courts will give effect to parties’ jurisdiction agreements, the Brussels Ibis Regulation provides: Where a court of a Member State on which an agreement as referred to in Article 25 confers exclusive jurisdiction is seized, any court of another Member State shall stay the proceedings until such time as the court seized on the basis of the agreement declares that it has no jurisdiction under the agreement. 114 Therefore, the court chosen in a jurisdiction agreement may entertain proceedings even if another is seized and irrespective of whether the court first seized has granted a stay. 115 Once the chosen court is seized, it has no discretion and must hear the case; it cannot decline its jurisdiction on the ground of forum non conviens . 116 The chosen court is only obliged to hear the case if one of the parties invokes the jurisdiction agreement. 117 Contrastingly, the non-chosen court shall stay its proceedings the moment the chosen court has been seized. 118 The solution adopted in the Brussels Ibis Regulation is, however, problematic and poses a risk of tactical litigation in a non-chosen court. 119 The process of giving effect to the jurisdiction 109 Born, B. G. (op. cit. sub 1), pp. 1263, 1264; see also UNCITRAL. UNCITRAL Secretariat Guide on the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958). (op. cit. sub 15), p. 58; see also Rozehnalová, N. (op. cit. sub 1), p. 193; see also Wolff, R. (op. cit. sub 15), p. 196. 110 Born, B. G. (op. cit. sub 1), pp. 1263, 1264; see also UNCITRAL. UNCITRAL Secretariat Guide on the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958). (op. cit. sub 15), p. 196. 111 Anti-suit injunction are orders ordering a party from commencing or continuing litigation abroad. The issue of anti-suit injunctions exceeds the scope of this article and will not be analyzed any further. 112 Kronke, H. (op. cit. sub 16), p. 110. 113 Magnus, U., Mankowski, P. (op. cit. sub 3), p. 605; see also Hrnčiříková, Halla, Malacka, Ryšavý. Mediační, prorogační a rozhodčí doložky o řešení přeshraničních sporů , p. 83; see also Rozehnalová, N., Mahdalová, S., Zavadilová, L. (op. cit. sub 36), p. 343. 114 Art. 31(2) of the Brussels Ibis Regulation. 115 Magnus, U., Mankowski, P. (op. cit. sub 3), p. 751; see alsoHrnčiříková. Právní prava formy prorogčních doložek na pozadí požadavku písemnosti v mezinárodním právu soukromém , p. 205; see also Hrnčiříková, Halla, Malacka, Ryšavý. Mediační, prorogační a rozhodčí doložky o řešení přeshraničních sporů , p. 78. 116 The ground that there is a more appropriate forum than the chosen court is also known as forum non conviens – this is a doctrine mainly applied by common law countries. Its precise formulation varies from country to country, but in general one can say that it permits a court having jurisdiction to stay (suspend) or dismiss the proceedings if it considers that another court would be a more appropriate forum, source: Hartley, Dogauchi. Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements – Explanatory Report, 2017, p. 57.; see also Hartley, C. T. (op. cit. sub 31), p. 182; see also Magnus, U., Mankowski, P. (op. cit. sub 3), pp. 613, 664. 117 Hartley, C. T. (op. cit. sub 31), p. 185; see also Hrnčiříková, Halla, Malacka, Ryšavý. Mediační, prorogační a rozhodčí doložky o řešení přeshraničních sporů , p. 80; see also Magnus, U., Mankowski, P. (op. cit. sub 3), p. 668. 118 Art. 3(2) of the Brussels Ibis Regulation. 119 Hrnčiříková, Halla, Malacka, Ryšavý. Mediační, prorogační a rozhodčí doložky o řešení přeshraničních sporů , pp. 80, 81; see also Magnus, U., Mankowski, P. (op. cit. sub 3), p. 751.


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