CYIL vol. 13 (2022)
CYIL 13 ȍ2022Ȏ
REPARATIONS TO CORPORATIONS: Just Satisfaction Awarded by the European Court of Human Rights to Business Entities
Alla Tymofeyeva
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to make an overview of the rules on the awarding of reparations to corporations under the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). In order to reach this goal, the author will, first, discuss the main principles of just satisfaction as envisaged in the ECHR. Second, the analysis of specifics of just satisfaction awards in respect of business entities will be discussed. Third, a comparison of the awards to natural and legal persons will be a subject-matter of the last part of the paper analysing the most expensive violations under the ECHR. In the Conclusions the summary of the research is provided. Resumé: Cílem tohoto článku je nabídnout přehlednou analýzu pravidel přiznání odškod nění korporacím na základě Evropské úmluvy o lidských právech („EÚLP“). Autorka se nejprve věnuje hlavním principům spravedlivého zadostiučinění podle EÚLP. V návaznosti na to rozebírá zvláštnosti přiznání spravedlivého zadostiučinění obchodním korporacím. V poslední části příspěvku, která pojednává o nejvyšších částkách spravedlivého zadostiuči nění přiznaných stěžovatelům Evropským soudem pro lidská práva, je provedeno srovnání odškodnění újmy fyzických a právnických osob. Závěry stručně shrnují zjištěné poznatky. Key words: European Court of Human Rights; European Convention on Human Rights; Business and Human Rights; ECtHR, ECHR; just satisfaction; corporations; reparations; ARSIWA About the Author : JUDr. Mgr. Alla Tymofeyeva, Ph.D. focuses her research in the area of European Convention Law. Her Ph.D. was obtained in 2011 at the Law Faculty of Charles University. She then continued her post-doctoral studies at the International Law Department of the Faculty of Law in Prague. In 2009 and 2014Dr. Tymofeyeva accomplished both on-site training and an internship at the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Currently, Dr. Tymofeyeva is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Law of the Faculty of Law, Charles University where she conducts seminars and gives lectures on Public International Law, Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights, Protection of Human Rights in Europe, and International Protection of Human Rights. She is a member of the European Society of International Law (ESIL) and the Czech Society of International Law. Her particular research interests include the topics of Business and Human Rights, Human Rights of Older Persons, and different aspects of the European Convention on Human Rights.
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