CYIL vol. 13 (2022)


CYIL 13 ȍ2022Ȏ


It is with sadness that we also announce that a French member of the Advisory Board of the Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law, professor Paul Tavernier passed away on 11 January 2022. Professor Tavernier was born in 1941 in Shanghai (China). He studied at the University of Paris where he graduated in Public Law (1963) and in Political Sciences (1964). He defended his doctorate thesis on Recherches sur l’application dans le temps des actes et des règles en droit international public. Problèmes de droit intertemporel ou de droit transitoire in 1968 (published in Paris: LGDJ, 1970). Paul Tavernier devoted his professional life to teaching and research in international law. He started his academic carrier as assistant at the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences in Paris (1965–1968), then continued as chargé de cours at the Faculty of Law in Alger (1968–1971), later at the University of Social Sciences in Grenoble (1971–1975), and Faculty of Law, Université de Paris XI in Sceaux (1973–1975). Following to his work in the positions of senior lecturer (1975–1980) and associate professor (1980–1983) at the Université de Paris II, he became the full professor first at the University of Social Sciences in Grenoble (1983–1989), then at the University of Rouen (1989–1995). From 1995 till his retirement, Paul Tavernier was professor at the Université de Paris XI and director of CREDHO-Paris Sud ( Centre de recherches et d’études sur les droits de l’Homme et le droit humanitaire ). In this capacity Professor Tavernier founded and organized, together with his wife Mireille and Mr. Patrice Despretz, the web site of CREDHO and the data basis on human rights and international humanitarian law and edited the series Cahiers du CREDHO , covering the annual colloquiums focused on France and the European Court of Human Rights. He also founded and edited “Collection du CREDHO” published together with Bruylant in Brussels. The main specialization of Professor Tavernier was human rights and humanitarian law, but he also published in other areas of international law and international organizations, including the law of the United Nations. His chronicle “L’année des Nations Unies Questions juridiques”, published regularly in the Annuaire français de droit international (1966–2005), is well known. Paul Tavernier was not only a great and rigorous professor but also a very kind, modest, and friendly person, open to colleagues from many countries, ranging from Africa to the Central and Eastern Europe. I also had the pleasure and honour to contribute to his Liber Amicorum L’homme dans la société internationale (Bruylant, 2013). May he rest in peace!

Pavel Šturma


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