CYIL vol. 13 (2022)
Veronika D’Evereux
CYIL 13 ȍ2022Ȏ
Abstract: The paper deals with the issues of changes in the classification of the nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and current issues of the present form of this conflict from the perspective of international law. In the last few years, there have been no wars between the State of Israel and its Arab neighbours. This conflict has changed dramatically and takes the form of partial armed clashes, terrorist attacks, the use of booby traps and explosives fired by suicide bombers, and finally, acts of physical violence. The paper seeks to classify this form of conflict from the perspective of international law and to answer the question of the application of the law to this type of conflict. Resumé: Příspěvek se zabývá otázkami proměn klasifikace povahy Izraelsko Palestinské ho konfliktu a aktuálními otázkami současné podoby tohoto konfliktu z pohledu mezi národního práva. V posledních několika letech již nedochází k válečným konfliktům mezi státem Izrael a jeho arabskými sousedy. Tento konflikt se zásadním způsobem proměnil a má podobu dílčích ozbrojených střetů, teroristických útoků, užívání nástražných bomb a výbušnin odpalovaných sebevražednými útočníky a v neposlední řadě aktů fyzického ná silí. Příspěvek usiluje o klasifikování této podoby konfliktu z pohledu mezinárodního práva a o zodpovězení otázky aplikace práva na tento druh konfliktu. Key words: Israel; Palestine; terrorist attack; armed conflict About the Author: JUDr. Veronika D’Evereux, Ph.D. is a lecturer and researcher in Public International Law at the Department of Public Law at Cevro Institute (Prague). Introduction Under international law, states in international relations should not seek to resolve their disputes by using force. However, in connection with the moment of the establishment of the State of Israel, the surrounding Arab states launched an armed attack on the newly created state, thus wanted to prevent the State of Israel from entering the territory which, according to their interpretation, did not belong to the Jewish people. The State of Israel not only defended its existence, but it also became a highly developed, economically strong, and an actor with the ability to protect itself from outside security threats. The State of Israel also established close cooperation and even mutual recognition with several Arab states. However, relations with the Palestinians, but also, for example, with Syria and Lebanon, remain inconsistent with the principles of friendly relations and cooperation between states. The nature of the armed conflict in connection with the State of Israel has undergone several changes. Different types of legal regimes could be applied to different types of armed conflicts. This paper seeks to provide a basic classification of the types of armed conflicts that are relevant to the State of Israel and to answer the question of what legal regimes may or may not apply to specific events of armed conflicts and acts of violence.
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