CYIL vol. 14 (2023)

CYIL 14 (2023) THE CRIME OF GENOCIDE: THEN AND NOW EVOLUTION OF A CRIME universal jurisdiction accompanied by a selection of relevant cases of national prosecutions over this core international crime in various states. To conclude, The Crime of Genocide: Then and Now represents an outstanding collection of timeless as well as topically-focused contributions concerning one of the fundaments of international criminal law. The publication offers a multidimensional study of the crime of the crimes with the latest perspectives of the contemporary academia. Accentuating the confluence, a specific factor of the common Central European origin of the collective underlines the importance of the matter in question in a region of such shared memory. Rafael Lemkin, the father of the concept of genocide itself, would certainly rejoice that his legacy stays in the spotlight of an incessant scrutiny of his peers after more than seven decades. Considering that the crime of the crimes stays tragically topical, it is momentous that such publication saw the light of day, yet again in the context of the Central and Eastern Europe.

Marek Gerle*

* Mrg. Marek Gerle is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of International Law, Charles University, Faculty of Law.


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