CYIL vol. 14 (2023)
CYIL 14 (2023) SURVEY OF CZECH INTERNATIONAL LAW BIBLIOGRAPHY Malachta R, ‘Kolize letadel a provozů – kolize právních řádů’ [Collision of aircraft and operations - conflict of laws] (2022) 1 Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi 175–189 Mrázek J, ‘Koncepce zločinu genocidia a ozbrojený konflikt na Ukrajině’ [The Concept of Genocide and Armed Conflict in Ukraine] (2023) 3 Právník 221–244 Mrázek J, ‘Migration and Refugees in International Law’ (2022) 1 The Lawyer Quarterly 77–104 Mrázek J, ‘The International Court of Justice and its Powers to Judicial Review of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions’ (2022) 4 The Lawyer Quarterly 393–407 Mulák J, ‘ The Exceptions of Right to Appeal in Criminal Matters under Article 2 of Protocol No. 7 to the ECHR ’ (2022) Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law 177–190 Novotná K, ‘Migrační detence dětí v judikatuře ESLP a SDEU: V ”nejlepším zájmu dítěte”a pouze jako ”krajní opatření” ’ [Migration detention of children in ECtHR and CJEU case law: in the „best interests of the child“ and only as a „measure of last resort“] (2022) 7–8 Soudní rozhledy 223–228 Novotná K, ‘Veřejný pořádek jako důvod pro zajištění cizince: Covid-19 jako výzva (nejen) pro české správní soudnictví’ [Public Order as a Reason for Detention of Aliens: Covid-19 as a Challenge (not only) for the Czech Administrative Judiciary] (2022) 3 Soudní rozhledy 75–79 Nový Z, ‘The Dichotomy of Obligations of Conduct and Result in International Investment Law’ in K Drličková, R Malachta and P Provazník (eds), Cofola International 2022: Current Challenges of Resolution of International (Cross-Border) Disputes (Muni Press 2022) 170–206 Pelikánová Urbanová K, ‘International Criminal Court Principle of Complementarity in Practice and the Situation in Columbia’ in P Šturma and O de Frouville (eds), Vers la pénalisation du droit international des droits de l´homme? (Centre de recherche sur les droits de l’homme et le droit humanitaire de l’Université Panthéon-Assas 2022) 27–42 Pelikánová Urbanová K, ‘Situation in Myanmar and the Territorial Jurrisdiction of the ICC’ in P Šturma and M Lipovský (eds), The Crime of Genocide then and now: Evolution of a Crime (Brill-Nijhoff 2022) 234–248 Petr M, ‘Impact of COVID-19 on Competition Law and Policy’ (2022) Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law 348–358 Ryšavý L, ‘The Person of the Arbitrator in Comparative Perspective of Czech and German Law’ (2022) 2 International and Comparative Law Review 197–214 Sedláková Salibová K, ‘Identification of domestic Law in relation to facultative conflict of laws’ [2022] 3 The Lawyer Quarterly 262–281 Sehnálek D, ‘Normative Approach to the Interplay between the CCC and the CJEU/ ECtHR: Judicial Dialogue or a Dictate?’ (2022) 1 Law, Identity and Values 203–223 Sehnálek D, ‘Normative Approach to the Interplay between the CCC and the CJEU/ ECtHR: Judicial Dialogue or a Dictate?’ (2022) 1 Law, Identity and Values 203–223 Spáčil J, ‘Animus Aggressionis: The Role of Intent in the Analysis of Armed Attack in Cyberspace’ (2022) Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law 49–61 Spáčil J, ‘Cyber Operations against Critical Financial Infrastructure: a Non-Destructive Armed Attack?’ (2022) 2 International and Comparative Law Review 27–42
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