CYIL vol. 15 (2024)

CYIL 15 ȍ2024Ȏ THE INFLUENCE OF THE OECD ON EU LEGISLATION In the third area, the OECD is viewed as an entity of international law that introduces international norms enforced through oversight and independent evaluation. Finally, the OECD is an organization that tackles complex and often neglected issues, addressing topics that are not typically the focus of other organizations like the IMF or the WTO. 5 1.1 The relationship between OECD and EU The relationship between the OECD and the European Union can be characterized as one of cooperation, mutual inspiration, and assistance in various economic, social, and political issues. The main difference is that the OECD is by its nature an international organization bringing together governments of various countries focused on economic policy analysis and cooperation among its member countries, while the EU is a supranational political and economic community uniting European countries to promote common goals. Both organizations share the period of their founding, namely the years 1957 and 1961, indicating they were created with the same belief - to create a space for economic stability, development, and peace. Both organizations regularly engage in dialogue on various economic and social issues outlined in the first subsection. Such meetings take place in various formats. Less frequently, they occur at a high-level between the EU Council or European Commission commissioners and senior OECD representatives. These discussions typically revolve around common priorities, key topics, and policy directions. A typical example of such a meeting is the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting , attended by ministers of finance, economy, foreign affairs, and other government departments from OECD Member and Partner Countries as well as representatives of international organizations, including the EU. 6 More commonly, these organizations cooperate through working groups and committees, where experts exchange knowledge and prepare joint initiatives. In Slovakia, the notorious and infamous “ results of the PISA tests in Slovak education ” are the outcome of an OECD initiative in this area. Here, the preparatory body of the EU Council, the Committee on Education, cooperates on a regular basis with the OECD’s program for international student assessment, known as PISA. Within this close cooperation, we can also mention the cooperation of the Social Protection Committee (SPC), which is an advisory political committee of ministers (within EPSCO) and the Employment, Labor and Social Affairs Committee (ELSAC) of the OECD. The areas of their cooperation mainly focus on the labor market and social policy. Collaboration between the Union and the OECD is, of course, very common on various projects, 7 initiatives, and studies, where they analyze economic indicators with the aim of improving individual policies or assessing the impact of already implemented policies ex post facto . 8 5 WOODWARD, R., 2009. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In: Routledge, London, 1. ed., 2009. Available: 6 Last year, such a meeting took place on 7-8 June 2023, and the report from it is available online: OECD, 2023. Meeting of the OECD Council at Ministerial Level Paris, 7–8 June 2023. (cit. 2024-02-26). Available online: 7 As an example We provide Financial competence framework for adults in the European Union . 8 See specific case studies address this cooperation in ECCLESTON, R., 2013. The Dynamics of Global Economic Governance . In: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013. ISBN 9781849802796.


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