CYIL vol. 15 (2024)

CYIL 15 ȍ2024Ȏ INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC PROTECTION FROM VIOLENCE OF PERSONS … violence and abuse, including all forms of domestic and institutional violence; and about the establishment of protocols for the early detection of violence, particularly in institutional settings, for the provision of procedural accommodations for gathering testimony from victims, for the prosecution of those responsible for violent offences and for the type of redress received by persons with disabilities who are victims of violence. The Lithuanian Government, in answer to the issues requested by the Committee, as indicated above, has indicated that “Case management provides the family with assistance in solving the child’s and family’s problems and ensuring the child’s physical or mental safety and best interests. In 2022, there were 388 case managers and 934 social workers working with families in the country. Case management was applied to 10 304 families. In 2022, 12 projects were funded to support the activities of associations of PWDs, whose applicants carried out activities to prevent violence against persons with disabilities and to support victims of domestic violence with disabilities. In 2023, 11 applicants were funded. Incidents of a negative nature that occur in a social care institution, such as accidents or violations of children’s rights, etc., are recorded in the Register of Incidents of a Negative Nature and their Consequences for the Child, and the causes are analysed, and decisions are taken on how to prevent them in the future.” 71 3.2 General measures to protect persons with disabilities from exploitation, violence and abuse (Article 16(1) CRPD) and preventive measures (Article 16(2) CRPD) in Lithuania The field of provision of social care is regulated by the Law on Social Services 72 . T his Law does not have specific provisions on the prevention of violence. However, it indicates the common requirements for provision of social services and the principles 73 that have to be adhered to in the process of provision of social services, such as: cooperation, participation, accessibility, social justice, appropriateness, effectiveness, comprehensiveness, empowerment, subsidiarity, protection of person’s honour and dignity, and partnership. These principles prevent the application of violence towards persons receiving social services. More specific requirements for the prevention and prohibition of violence in social care institutions are set out in the Social care rules 74 regulate the activity of social care. They are considered as mandatory requirements when issuing a licence for social care. If the institution does not conform to the requirements of Social care rules, after the inspections by the Department of Supervision of Social Services under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, the licence may be revoked. Requirements for the social care of children with disabilities. The Description of social care rules regarding the social care of children (including children with disability) 71 Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ‘Replies of Lithuania to the list of issues in relation to its combined second and third reports’ CRPD/C/LTU/RQ/2-3 , accessed 20 August 2024, paras. 68–70. 72 Lietuvos Respublikos socialinių paslaugų įstatymas (Law on Social Services of the Republic of Lithuania), Valstybės žinios, 2006, Nr. 17–589. 73 Ibid, Art. 4. 74 Lietuvos Respublikos socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministro 2007 m. vasario 20 d. įsakymas ‘Dėl Socialinės globos normų aprašo patvirtinimo’ (Order of the Minister of Social Security and Labour of 20 February 2007 ‘On the Approval of the Description of Social Care Norms’), Valstybės žinios, 2007, Nr. 24–931.


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