CYIL vol. 15 (2024)

CYIL 15 ȍ2024Ȏ INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC PROTECTION FROM VIOLENCE OF PERSONS … Language Interpreter Centres. 105 The information about calling 112 and reporting a crime to the authorities is also prepared in Easy to read format by the Ministry of Justice. 106 Furthermore, similar information is available in video format. 107 Information about crime may be provided to the prosecutors by natural or legal person by reporting, orally, in writing or by electronic communications 108 . Therefore, even oral provision of information is valid. The Criminal Code foresees the statutory representation in criminal proceedings for persons deprived of their legal capacity, 109 as well as a possibility for a a family member or close relative of a person who has not been declared incapacitated in accordance with the established procedure, but who, due to old age, disability, illness or other important reasons, is unable to properly exercise the rights conferred by law, to participate in the proceedings in the capacity of a representative. 110 The Criminal procedure code indicates the right of victims with hearing and speech difficulties to receive the services of a sign language interpreter under the same conditions as victims who do not speak Lithuanian 111 . Complaints in the social care institution. Speaking about social care of children with disabilities, the social care norms stipulate that the child, in accordance with his/her age and maturity, his/her parents/guardian, close relatives and the staff of the social care home must be able to approach the administration of the social care institution with any problems that arise. Social care norms stipulate that problems should be addressed in an understanding and constructive manner. The social care home shall record the suggestions and complaints of children and their parents/guardians and provide them with timely responses in accordance with the procedure and legal provisions of the social care home. The social care institution shall keep a register of complaints and requests; and a register of events of a negative nature and their consequences for the child. 112 Speaking about the social care of adult people with disabilities residing in institutions, the Social care rules oblige the institution’s staff to inform the residents of their right to contact the administration, staff or institutions outside the social care institution about physical, psychological, material or financial abuse, sexual abuse, discrimination or other violations of their rights. The right to address those institutions cannot be restricted and shall be made known to the person concerned. The person is familiar with the procedure for lodging complaints, requests and their handling in the social care institution and is aware that, once 105 Emergency Services Contact ‘Informacija kurtiesiems’ ( Information for deaf people ) accessed 14 June 2024. 106 Lithuania, Ministry of Justice ‘Ką daryti, jeigu tave nuskriaudė’ ( What to do if you have been hurt ) (2022) accessed 14 June 2024. 107 Lithuania, Ministry of Justice ‘Ką turi žinoti nukentėjęs asmuo? (vertimas į gestų kalbą)’ ( What does the victim need to know? (Sign language translation) ) (2023) [Video] accessed 14 June 2024. 108 Lietuvos Respublikos Generalinio prokuroro 2008 m. rugpjūčio 11 d. įsakymas Nr. I-110 ‘Dėl Rekomendacijų dėl ikiteisminio tyrimo pradžios ir jos registravimo tvarkos patvirtinimo’ ( The Decree No. I-110 of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Lithuania ‘On the adoption of the Guidelines on the procedure for the opening and registration of pre-trial investigations’ ), Valstybės žinios, 2008, Nr. 94–3713, Art. 3.6. 109 Lietuvos Respublikos Baudžiamojo proceso kodeksas ( Criminal procedure code of the Republic of Lithuania ), Valstybės žinios, 2002, Nr. 37–1341, Art. 53(1), 53(3). 110 Ibid, Art. 53(4). 111 Ibid, Art. 8. 112 Description of Social Care Norms n (74), Annex 1, Art 19.


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