CYIL Vol. 7, 2016

JAKUB HANDRLICA CYIL 7 ȍ2016Ȏ 2. For decades after the publication of Neumeyer’s studies, the issues of international administrative law seemed to be half-forgotten. It was not earlier than 1962 that Neumeyer’s contribution on “International Administrative Law” 15 was replaced by an updated version 16 in the German “Dictionary of International Public Law”. Further, issues of transboundary effects of administrative decision making were analysed in the 2 nd volume of “International Administrative Law”, 17 authored by Giuseppe Biscottini. However, it is a matter of fact that, in general, the science of international administrative law became marginalised by the absence of any wider interest from academic scholarship. In 1979, Franz Matscher 18 noted in his article “Is there any International Administrative Law?” that neither of these reknowned scholars of this branch of legal science had any successful successors. 19 With only very rare exceptions 20 issues of transboundary administrative decision making were also not a matter of interest to authors of textbooks on administrative law. Despite these rather pessimistic facts, a few other works dealing with transboundary effects of administrative acts were published in the 1960s and 1970s. In particular, studies authored by Jürgen Schlochauer, 21 Klaus König, 22 Hans Papier and Bernd Olschewski 23 are to be mentioned. 3. However, the strengthening of international co-operation through the means of regional and global integration in the 1990s and 2000s implied inter alia a restored interest in the issues of “international administrative law”. Consequently, it took more than 70 years from the publication of the 4 th volume of Neumeyer’s “International Administrative law” in order to publish another comprehensive collection of studies on this topic in German. 24 Also a number of French, Italian and Spanish scholars Law , 9. – International Relations and Legal Co-operation in General, North – Holland, Amsterdam, 1986, pp. 3 et seq. 15 NEUMEYER, K. Internationales Verwaltungsrecht: Völkerrechtliche Grundlagen , in: Strupp, K. (ed.) Wörterbuch des Völkerrechts, De Gruyter, Berlin, 1924, pp. 577 et seq . 16 STEINDORFF, E. Internationales Verwaltungsrecht , in: Strupp, K. (ed.) Wörterbuch des Völkerrechts, De Gruyter, Berlin, 1962, pp. 581 et seq . 17 BISCOTTINI, G. Diritto amministrativo internazionale , Vol. 2, Casa Editrice dott. Antonio Milani, Padova, 1966. 18 Franz Matscher (1928), Ordinary Professor of Civil Procedure and Comparative Law (1969), Rector of the University in Salzburg (1974–1975), Judge of the ECHR (1977–1998). 19 MATSCHER, F. Gibt es ein internationales Verwaltungsrecht? , in: Sandrock, O. (ed.) Festschrift für Günther Beitzke , De Gruyter, Berlin, 1979, pp. 641 et seq . 20 HOFFMANN, G. Internationales Verwaltungsrecht , in: Münch, I. (ed.) Besonderes Verwaltungsrecht , De Gruyter, Berlin, 1985,pp. 851 et seq. 21 SCHLOCHAUER, J. Die extraterritoriale Wirkung von Hoheitsakten, Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main, 1962. 22 KÖNIG, K. Die Anerkennung der ausländischen Verwaltungsakten , Verlag C. Heymann, Köln, 1965. 23 PAPIER, H., Olschewski, B. Vollziehung ausländischer Verwaltungsakte , Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt, 1976, pp. 475 et seq . 24 MÖLLERS, C., VOSSKUHLE, A., WALTER, C. (eds.) Internationales Verwaltungsrecht , Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2007.


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