CYIL 7 ȍ2016Ȏ
recommandation ne porte aucune atteinte à la validité en matière de statut personnel
des actes des autorités religieuses dont relèvent les réfugiés russes et arméniens dans
les pays où la compétence de ces autorités est reconnue.
It is recommended that the personal status of Russian and Armenian refugees shall
be determined in countries in which previous law of their respective countries is no
longer recognised, either by reference to the law of their country of domicile or of
habitual residence, or, if neither applies, by reference to the law of the country in
which they reside. This recommendation shall not in any way jeopardize the validity
of of documents related to personal status of Russian and Armenian refugees granted
by the religious authorities in countries where the competence of such authorities is
In the case of the non-applicability of both dispositions, the personal status of
refugees was regulated by the law of the country where they resided. The Arrangement
emanated from the vertical order of connecting factors; it also emanated from the
reality of life and not from an overestimated and protean idea. Such a contractual
result was practical. Personal status and capacity were governed by the law of the state
to which the refugee and his family were attached. Parties to the arrangement accepted
an alternative and hierarchical legal solution at the same time. A party could choose
domicile or habitual residence as a connecting factor, though both places could have
been coincident. Residence became a subsidiary factor in case of
non liquet
Divorce of marriage was resolved in the same alternative manner. The connecting
factor of nationality was exchanged for domicile or habitual residence.
Il est recommandé qu’en matière de divorce soit considérée comme loi nationale du
réfugié russe ou arménien, soit la loi de son domicile ou de sa résidence habituelle,
soit à défaut, la loi de sa résidence.
It is recommended that in questions relating to divorce the national law of a Russian
or Armenian refugee shall be either the law of his domicile or habitual residence, or,
if neither applies, the law of the country in which he resides.
Germany accepted the arrangement even though their national legislation was
in accordance with the Hague conventions. Art. 29 of Introductory Law to the
Civil Code
(Einführungsgesetz zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuche)
of 1896 referred to the
national law to which the stateless person previously belonged.
According to this
Reichsgesetzblatt (RGBl.), 1896, p. 604, Artikel 29: „Gehört eine Person keinem Staate an, so werden
ihre Rechtsverhältnisse, soweit die Gesetze des Staates, dem eine Person angehört, für maßgebend
erklärt sind, nach den Gesetzen des Staates beurtheilt, dem die Person zuletzt angehört hat, und, wenn
sie auch früher einem Staate nicht angehört hat, nach den Gesetzen des Staates, in welchem sie ihren
Wohnsitz und in Ermangelung eines Wohnsitzes ihren Aufenthalt hat oder zu der maßgebenden Zeit
gehabt hat.“