CYIL Vol. 7, 2016

CYIL 7 ȍ2016Ȏ DO THE EUROPEANS HAVE THE RIGHT TO GET INFORMATION ABOUT… Military security implies the capability of a nation to defend itself and/or deter military aggression. Political security is about the stability of the social order. It specifically addresses threats to sovereignty. A country which lives in political instability is an insecure country. These countries attract criminals, terrorists and all those taking advantage of disorder. Political instability, as the State weakness, does not enable a country’s institutions to function normally, and this causes disorder and leads to underdevelopment. Barry Buzan defines economic security as the freedom to exercise choice of policies to develop a nation’s economy in the manner desired. The creation and protection of jobs that supply defence and non-defence needs are vital to national security. Social or sometimes called societal security is about the survival of a community as a cohesive unit; its referent object is “large scale collective identities that can function independent of the state.” 11 And environmental security deals with environmental issues which threaten the national security of a nation in any manner, including transnational environmental problems that threaten a nation‘s security, in its broad sense. These include global environmental problems such as climate change due to global warming, deforestation and loss of biodiversity, etc. 12 If there is a security risk in these sectors, state, society, and its members are affected to some extent. It can be noted that the content of the notion of national security depends to a large extent on the state’s ability to retain its independence, identity and functional integrity. 13 The threats may be distinguished into two conditional groups. “External” threats are threats not depending on the will of a person (natural calamities etc.) or do not depend on the will of a particular state or community (nuclear conflict between two or more states, military intervention by foreign forces, etc.). “Internal” threats – the economic and criminogenic situation in the state, social security, the situation of ethnic minorities etc. 14 One of the fields that greatly influences state security is the field of environmental security. B. Buzan states that environmental security deals with environmental issues which threaten the national security of a nation in any manner, that is, transnational environmental problems that threaten a nation‘s security, in its broad defined sense. These include global environmental problems such as climate change due to global warming, deforestation and loss of biodiversity, etc. 15 Environmental threats are “usually less clear-cut and direct than the other types of threat […]. They are […] ‘threats without enemies’.” 16 The environmental threats may cause damage to 11 BARRY BUZAN, OLE WÆVER, JAAP DE WILDE A New Framework for Analysis. Lynne Rienner Publishers, (1998) 22. 12 Ibid . 13 BUZAN (supra n 9) 161. 14 Erika Matulionytė ‘Grėsmių nacionaliniam saugumui nustatymas ir jų prevencijos galimybės’. (2008) 4(106) Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbai 93, 94.

15 BUZAN (supra n 9) 52-53. 16 HOUGH (supra n 6) 32.


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