CYIL Vol. 7, 2016


Jan Ondřej – Magda Uxová

Abstract: One of the current non-state actors which really becomes intensively involved in international relations and whose existence and acts are scrutinized by international law is the radical terrorist organization called the Islamic State. This actor, calling itself a “state”, is in fact self-proclaimed as an independent Islamic state on the territory of Iraq and Syria, which, however, has not been recognized by other states. Considering the way it was established and also the way it presents itself, we can ask a question about the character of the Islamic state. First we have to consider if it is “solely” a terrorist organization, comparable to such organizations as Al-Qaeda, from which it in fact arose. On the other hand, we can consider it as a formation which dominates a certain territory and has the ambition to become a state. The acts of the Islamic state and its fighters are punishable by law. The UN Security Council Resolution No. 2170 of 2014 recalled that gross, systematic and widespread abuse” of human rights by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) and their attacks against civilians on the basis of ethnic or religious identity might constitute crimes against humanity and stressed the need to bring those perpetrators, including foreign fighters, to justice . The states of the international community conduct actions with the aim to eliminate the Islamic state on the territory which this organization controls, that is in Iraq and Syria. On this territory several armed conflicts are in progress. Apart from these, other states operate in this area, namely Russia on the side of Syria or the USA and other western states that support Iraq but also operate in Syria. States must be able to protect themselves in accordance with the right to self-defence as expressed in Article 51 of the UN Charter, in case the government of the state where lies the source of the threat is unwilling or unable (here is meant Syria) to prevent use of their territory for such attacks. Considering the military actions in support of Iraq and Syria by the USA, Russia and other states, the question of practical application of the right to self-defence arises of necessity. Resumé: Jedním ze současných nestátních aktérů, kteří se výrazně zapojují do me- zinárodních vztahů a jejichž existencí a činností se zabývá mezinárodní právo je radikální teroristická organizace Islámský stát. Tento aktér nazývaný „stát“ sku- tečně vyhlásil na území Iráku a Sýrie samostatný stát, který však není uznáván ostatními státy. Vzhledem ke vzniku a také tím jak se Islámský stát prezentuje, si můžeme položit otázku o jeho povaze. Za prvé, zda se jedná „jen“ o teroristickou organizaci, která je podobná takovým organizacím jako je Al-Kajdá ze které ve své podstatě vznikl. Za druhé můžeme o Islámském státu uvažovat jako o útvaru, který


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