CYIL Vol. 7, 2016
CYIL 7 ȍ2016Ȏ SURVEY OF CZECH INTERNATIONAL LAW BIBLIOGRAPHY Michal Tomášek, ‘Dynamika a statika pojmu „společenství států“’ [Dynamics and Statics of a Concept of “Union of States”] (2016)1 Právník 51-64 Peter Tomka, ‘International Investment Arbitration: Recent Developments Relating to Transparency’ in Bohumil Poláček (ed), Pocta prof. JUDr. Květoslavu Růžičkovi, CSc. k 70. narozeninám (Wolters Kluwer, Praha 2016) 431-440 Zuzana Trávníčková, ‘Zbrojní sankce jako nástroj řešení krymské krize?’ [Arms sanction as an instrrument of resolving the Crimean crisis?] (2015) 1 Acta Iuridica Olomucensia 111-122 Alla Tymofeyeva, ‘Crimes Against Peace in Nuremberg’ (2015) Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, 25-36 Alla Tymofeyeva. ‘The Highest Amounts of Just Satisfaction: Awards of the European Court of Human Rights to Legal Persons’ (2015) Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, 255-271 Alla Tymofeyeva. ‘Vliv judikatury ESLP na právní úpravu délky řízeni v České republice, Rusku a na Ukrajině’ [Influence of the ECtHR’s case law regarding the length of proceedings on the legislation of the Czech Republic, Russia and the Ukraine] (2015) 5 Jurisprudence 19-24 Kateřina Uhlířová, ‘Human Rights of Roma and Travellers in Europe’ (2015) 2 International Journal of Refugee Law 403-407 Kristýna Urbanová, ‘The Kampala Agreement on the crime of aggression and responsibility for cyber-attacks’ (2015) Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, 103-114 Petr Válek, ‘Czech-Austrian Declaration on Jurisdictional Immunities of State- Owned Cultural Property’ (2015) Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, 387-399 Jaroslav Větrovský, ‘Jazyková práva národnostních menšin na Slovensku: úřední styk a topografické údaje z hlediska standardu jazykové spravedlnosti’ [Language Rights of National Minorities in Slovakia: Official Communication and Topographical Indications according to the Standard of Linguistic Justice] (2015) 4 Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica 59-72 Peter Vyšný, ‘Francisco de Vitoria a španielská conquista Nového sveta’ [Francisco de Vitoria and the Spanish Conquest of the New World] (2016) 4 Právník 310-330
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