CYIL vol. 9 (2018)

JAN ONDŘEJ – MAGDA UXOVÁ CYIL 9 ȍ2018Ȏ acquired citizenship by birth, the factual effectiveness is mostly not examined even if they are permanently settled in foreign countries. At the creation of the Czechoslovak Republic in 1918, persons living in its territory became citizens of the Czechoslovak Republic. Citizenship in the Czechoslovak Republic was one and only. The Czechoslovak Republic from 1918–1992 was among the states whose legal regulations in principle rejected double or multiple citizenship and considered it an undesirable phenomenon. As of 1 January 2014, the current legislation on citizenship in the Czech Republic allows dual or multiple citizenship. Although we can see this as an international trend, which may well be justified, especially if a person’s citizenship cannot be discharged in the state of origin, but on the other hand, dual citizenship can also bring disadvantages to the person concerned, especially in terms of the obligations derived from the citizenship (i.e. military service, etc.). These questions can be regulated by an international treaty. In the case of the assessment of citizenship for the purposes of international law, dual nationality applies to the prevailing or effective nationality.


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