CYIL vol. 9 (2018)

CYIL 9 ȍ2018Ȏ



Abstract: In line with underlining the controversies between the UN and the WTO from poverty eradication perspective present paper shows the ways in which trade in services can be used as an effective tool for the benefit of all, through ensuring cross border temporary movement of service suppliers and suggesting reforms in the world trade system. Apart from this, paper also concentrates on the WTO – ILO approaches towards labour rights and by the proving of indistinguishable similarity between labour and services, claims for the existence of the competences of both organizations in this field. Resumé: Tento příspěvek při zdůraznění rozporů mezi OSN a WTO z hlediska odstranění chudoby ukazuje způsoby, jak lze obchod se službami využít jako účinný nástroj ve prospěch všech, a to zajištěním přeshraničního dočasného pohybu poskytovatelů služeb a navržením reforem v světovém obchodním systému. Kromě toho se práce soustřeďuje také na přístupy WTO – ILO k pracovním právům a na základě prokázání nerozlišitelné podobnosti mezi prací a službami se vyslovuje ve prospěch kompetence obou organizací v této oblasti. Key Words: UN, WTO, ILO, GATS. About the Author: Dr. Nino Parsadanishvili – Head of Migration Competence Center and Post Doctoral Research Fellow at Ivane Javakhisvhili Tbilisi State University; Contact Details: Present paper is prepared within the framework of the project – YS-2016-98 funded by the Shota Rustavely National Science Foundation of Georgia. Introduction The United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030 declares – “freeing human race from the tyranny of poverty” – as its number 1 goal; 1 in line with this the World Trade Organization (WTO) recognizes the role that trade can play in contributing towards the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. 2 Poverty eradication and promotion of shared prosperity as a component of the international development agenda intimately connected to the sustainable development goals, 3 is undoubtedly recognized by all key players in the international arena. The World Bank in the overview of sustainable development emphasizes that the question facing us today is not whether one should 1 Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, is available on ,accessed23August2018;Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, p. 2. is available on ; Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, 3-14 June 1992, principle 5. is available on , accessed 23 August 2018. 2 WTO doc. WT/MIN(15)/DEC. 3 Poverty and Shared Prosperity (2016) at p. 1. is available on < poverty-and-shared-prosperity> accessed 23 August 2018. 1.


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