DEMO: Teaching the 21st Century Student
Chapter 1 sets the foundation for the rest of the book. Called COOPER- ATIVE LEARNING, it describes varied interactive techniques for the class- room, applicable to the activities in the following chapters. Chapter 2 introduces general ACTIVATING TECHNIQUES for opening a les- son that help motivate and prepare students for work with content. Chapter 3 describes techniques for CONTENT ANALYSIS of any resourcema- terial used in lessons. Individual methods teach students how to analyze, synthetize, critically evaluate, and solve problems using the newly acquired knowledge. Each method shows related visualization techniques helping to extract and reorganize data for a given purpose. Chapter 4 prepares students for practical application of their knowledge in SPEAKING practices. Students learn strategies for presentations, de- bates, group discussions, negotiations, or sessions resolving conflicts, and practice them in various simulated real-life scenarios. Chapter 5 applies new knowledge and skills in writing practices. Students learn a variety of formats for COMPOSITIONS needed in business, admin- istration, professional, or academic settings. Chapter 6 provides SAMPLE LESSONS showing the teacher how to struc- ture lessons while applying the techniques described throughout the book.
Each sub-chapter consists of a set of sections. Sections What & Why in- troduce the concept of eachmethod or technique and explain its purpose, benefits, and basic use. Sections How to set up describe the procedure for application in a lesson. The techniques presented throughout chapters 2-5 also suggest links coded in purple , indicating which cooperative learning methods from chapter 1 are best applicable for varied activities. Links in green , then, in-
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