ŠAVŠ/TAČR Digital Czechia in a Digital Europe



In accordance with the e-Government strategies in the individual countries analyzed, the following priority objectives can be traced: • digital literacy (Denmark, Finland, Lithuania, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom), • cyber security (Belgium,Denmark,Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, theNetherlands, and Austria), • digital infrastructure (Belgium, Malta, Austria, Sweden and the United Kingdom), • support for business and innovation (Denmark, Luxembourg, Germany and the Netherlands), • digital services (Estonia, Ireland, Lithuania and Norway), • regulation of the e-environment (Denmark, Luxembourg and Malta), • high-speed infrastructure and communication (Estonia, Germany and the Netherlands), • digitalization of health care (Lithuania and Norway), • digital economy (Belgium and Malta), • digital competence (Belgium and Luxembourg), • e-solutions (Estonia e-citizenship and e-signatures and Ireland – eID), • open data (Denmark, Ireland and Sweden). Digital literacy of users mentioned as the first priority will not come as surprise to anyone as this can be considered the basic building block of the success of any e-solution. This is followed by cyber security and the improvement of the digital infrastructure. Other ranks include citizen-state, company-state relations. Other priorities include digital progress (Austria), public administration cooperation in digitalization (Sweden), open government (Finland), cross-border use of e-services (Estonia), data-sharing (Ireland) and easy communication with authorities (Austria).

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