ŠAVŠ/TAČR Digital Czechia in a Digital Europe
At the same time, there is a significant difference in the consulting activities provided to startups. It also shows the unemployment rate in each EU Member State. This indicator can tell the business entity whether it will be possible to have access to a free skilled workforce in the given territory or not. The lowest unemployment rate in the whole EU was registered in the Czech Republic in 2018 (2.1%), while the highest unemployment rate was in Greece (18.6%). According to research conducted by Keiretsu ForumCEE in cooperation with the research agency Perfect Crowd, Czech startups currently have a significant problem employing a skilled workforce and subsequently maintaining this workforce in the long term. 8 On the other hand, it is also necessary to take into account the level of the average wage in the economy, as it can be assumed that a highly skilled workforce will be significantly more expensive in the economically strongest EU countries compared to countries that can be ranked efficiently. The lowest average gross wage in 2018 was in Bulgaria. It was EUR 586. At the top of the ranking was Denmark, where the average gross was EUR 5,191. Of equal importance is the issue of taxation of business corporations in the territory of a given EU member state, as the corporate income tax rate can fundamentally influence the decision whether it is appropriate to locate a startup in the relevant state or not. Due to the economic potential of the startup, its expansionary growth is expected and the retained funds, which will not be paid in the income tax of business corporations, can be used for the subsequent development of this entity. The corporate income tax rate in 2019 ranged from 9% (Hungary) to 29.58% (Belgium).
8 The Startup Report confirms a clear trend: Czech start-ups are experiencing a boom, CzechTrade, 06/2018, see https://www.businessinfo.cz/cs/clanky/studie-startup-report-potvrzuje-jasny-trend-ceske- startupy-zazivaji-boom-109606.html.
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